Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Finally he's gone...
i'm so sick of fake friends. I'm so sick of girls getting rewarded for making out with random guys, having sex when they have boyfriends, forgetting about the world-including their so called friends when it comes to their guy, and hating other girls for dating someone when you can turn aroudn and do the same thing to her SEVERAL times and not think twice...

finally he's gone, 7 months of figuring my life out before he tries to throw my world for a loop again...finally he's gone now just get the heck off my mini-feed..

Lord-again its in the box, only what the 5th time...this time it's yours..

p.s. this week has sucked, i hate being sick, and I miss Joe more than I ever have...and its going to be the longest we haven't seen each other in awhile....i just want to lay in bed and cry until things get better but i'm too stressed--don't have time to do nothing..

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