Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Finally he's gone...
i'm so sick of fake friends. I'm so sick of girls getting rewarded for making out with random guys, having sex when they have boyfriends, forgetting about the world-including their so called friends when it comes to their guy, and hating other girls for dating someone when you can turn aroudn and do the same thing to her SEVERAL times and not think twice...

finally he's gone, 7 months of figuring my life out before he tries to throw my world for a loop again...finally he's gone now just get the heck off my mini-feed..

Lord-again its in the box, only what the 5th time...this time it's yours..

p.s. this week has sucked, i hate being sick, and I miss Joe more than I ever have...and its going to be the longest we haven't seen each other in awhile....i just want to lay in bed and cry until things get better but i'm too stressed--don't have time to do nothing..

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Sometimes I hate the way I act around people. I try to be someone that can talk to anyone, get along with everyone and get past faults of myself as well as in others and see who they really are...

But, and its a big one..ha, some people just make me uncomfortable...and no i dont mean the aspects of me that are shy and bring me down in PR (i still hate asking for freebies..prob always will) I mean, I can't talk to them I feel belittled in their presence. I hate this, and I guess to an extent most people feel like this at certain times but why... Do i really think so little about myself that I can't even be myself infront of someone who doesn't even deserve it. I hate thinking about what i say before I say it to the extent that I won't say something that is pertinent to a convo or even how I feel about something to someone who I should be used to be now...but no. Why do I even care? dkljaf;klej;lk

I think it all goes back to that quote-"I'm impossible to forget, but hard to remember..."  its still true...

Saturday, September 13, 2008

just a few quick thoughts...

So I try my best to see the best in all people. I try my best to respect people's different views, religions, race (reflectors..haha), opinions..but some people are just plain dumb..

I hate assumptions and generalizations but I'm about to make one..get ready..here it is:
extreme left wing democrats are just dumb

Seriously, I understand that you want change, I want change...I'll even go ahead and say I understand some of your view on things and may even agree to a degree or two..but seriously if you want respect then stop acting like idiots. I'd take you more seriously if you weren't making a fool out of yourself at the republic convention, if you weren't applauding and cheering when your candidate talks about katrina victims yet give a half ass clap when he talks about war heros and your own countries soldiers, when you put a pig with lipstick as your facebook picture...seriously grow up.

become educated individuals about BOTH candidates..dont make your choices on race, political party, or age. Learn, listen, research then I might respect you a little more...

and serioulsy..susan surandon (sp?) you are an idiot...
yes Jesus was a "community organizer" and Herod was a gov..but please do not equate Jesus with Obama and Palin with Herod...think about that one for just a minute and then I'll let you try that again...

ok the end.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Honest is easy...fiction is where genius lies

After hearing many complaints over the last couple of weeks from males and females about the opposite sex, as well as a few personal encounters, including my joyous occasion of quitting Deano's after a week because of the creepy manager who wouldn't stop hitting on me among other things...I've decided to give some of my views on things..

four truths about all women
1. we can't drive (some worse than others)
2. we are brain ninjas..and proud of it :) (if you dont know what this is, google it and shame on you!)
3. we are bitches (maybe not all the time, but we are..i'm scared of most of women)
4. We get hurt a lot more than we let on

Now as for generalities there are many for women, and some of them are true, but not for all of us. Yes, MOST of us will go for the wrong guys, but..MOST of us grow out of that. If you want the drop dead gorgeous whores and no one else, then stop complaining when she moves on to the guy whose gonna treat her badly, she's used to it. Give her a few more times of getting her heart stomped on, she'll most likely change her ways.
I dont want to hear one complaint from any guy who starts dating a girl they met at a bar who was trashed and immediately all over you, and then she does the same thing a few weeks later to a different guy when you had to stay at home and study...hmm if you want something real...stop looking at bars, you wont find them there, if shes there she wont be the one all over you.. she'll be the one all over her boyfriend or with her girlfriends.

I've dated plenty of trash, but I've learned from it.....but there comes a point when most girls get tired of being shafted, or being forgotten and cheated on and we grow up. The sad part comes when we finally find the guys that have given us the sob story of "nice guys finish last" over and over again...and they turn into the same guy that only wants a piece of ass and then will be on their way for the next hott whore that passes.. its just the cycle of dating. As girls grow up, guys continue (or revert back) to their childish immature ways...

I apologize for all the guys that've gotton screwed over by the "nice guy" line, i've done it myself, but stop screwing over the right girls and wait around...because the girls that really are looking for the right guys are getting screwed over by the guys just pretending to be those guys..

nice guys really do finish last, but they also end up being the last one for the right girls...