Friday, August 17, 2007

sometimes too hard to remember...

so i was just editing my profile on here and it said, "random question," and me, who always jumps ahead too fast, didn't see the actual "random question" written there (ya know like do you prefer a pet fish or iguana) So i thought you were supposed to make up a random question... ya, I dont know,I'm new to this blogger thing, xanga was less high tech if I may i wrote the question.."if you had to pick one quote from a movie to basically sum up you, or your life, what would it be."

And of course when you think up a question it is only fair and natural to know what your answer would have been. So, for me, my quote would be from Elizabethtowne...Claire says, "I'm impossible to forget, but hard to remember..."

Ya that's me! I seem to be really hard to remember in certain times (that may end up being cruical to a relationship, activity, etc..) but when no one else is around... I'm always there, never forgotton...I dont think i like that i'm this way...I blame it on me being "too nice" but seriously..sometimes i wonder why i have any confidence at all. I'm so easily dropped and avoided, yet i'm supposably so important and crucial at the same time...I dont understand it. Dont know what i try anymore actually...

maybe that should be my new plan...forget to remember those who can't seem to remember how they can't forget about me...

...and they say i'm an enigma...ha

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