Saturday, September 13, 2008

just a few quick thoughts...

So I try my best to see the best in all people. I try my best to respect people's different views, religions, race (reflectors..haha), opinions..but some people are just plain dumb..

I hate assumptions and generalizations but I'm about to make one..get it is:
extreme left wing democrats are just dumb

Seriously, I understand that you want change, I want change...I'll even go ahead and say I understand some of your view on things and may even agree to a degree or two..but seriously if you want respect then stop acting like idiots. I'd take you more seriously if you weren't making a fool out of yourself at the republic convention, if you weren't applauding and cheering when your candidate talks about katrina victims yet give a half ass clap when he talks about war heros and your own countries soldiers, when you put a pig with lipstick as your facebook picture...seriously grow up.

become educated individuals about BOTH candidates..dont make your choices on race, political party, or age. Learn, listen, research then I might respect you a little more...

and serioulsy..susan surandon (sp?) you are an idiot...
yes Jesus was a "community organizer" and Herod was a gov..but please do not equate Jesus with Obama and Palin with Herod...think about that one for just a minute and then I'll let you try that again...

ok the end.

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