Thursday, January 22, 2009


As new President Barack Obama has said countless times, it's time for a change...and I'm not so sure how he's gonna change things, but I finally just did...

I let go. 

It's an odd thing moving on. I dont' know how i feel yet. Ripping up the letters, felt good. Covering them in the trash so I dont have to see them at breakfast tomorrow, was not so good. I mean obviously I moved on a long time ago, I'm extremely happy. But i guess i hadn't let go... completely

Relief is another big thought going through my mind. It's over. I have the most amazing guy in the whole world and finally I don't have to worry about anything else. (minus school, I dont even wnat to go into that right now)  I love him, and there's nothign holding me back anymore, no doubts about it. 

Things are changing, but finally I'm excited about it. Things are about to get good. :)
